What are those oily things on the surface of your phone when swiping?


What are those oily things on the surface of your phone when swiping?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Okay now touch your nose to the phone screen for the biggest oil mark. Atleast for me my greasy Italian nose makes quite the mark.
I mean ofcourse after you wipe your phone screen down phones are dirty, They go everywhere

Anonymous 0 Comments

The “oily things” are your fingers.

The film that stays on your phone is that oil from your fingers. This is why phone screens and fingerprint readers are coated with an oleophobic substance, but that substance wears out over time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fingers produce oil 24/7. So when you touch a phone screen or anything else, it causes buildup.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The oily substance on your phone screen is the literal skin oil from your fingers leaving a streak on the surface. Wash your hands more often and clean your phone screen.