what are those patterns we see when taking a picture of a screen?


When taking a picture of a screen there are these weird lines that when viewing the pic in different sizes or resolutions causes different lines to appear

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15 Answers

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you know when you watch a TV or play a video game on a computer, there’s a special pattern of dots that create the pictures you see, right? It’s kind of like when you color a picture in a coloring book, but instead of using crayons or markers, the TV or computer uses tiny dots of light to create the picture.
Now, when you take a picture of the screen with a camera, the camera sees all of those little dots too. But sometimes, the camera and the screen don’t work perfectly together, and that can make the dots look weird in the picture. That’s why you might see lines or strange patterns when you look at a picture of a screen.
It’s kind of like if you drew a picture on a piece of paper, and then put a piece of plastic with tiny bumps on it over the picture. When you look at the picture through the plastic, the bumps can make the picture look different or distorted. That’s kind of what’s happening with the camera and the screen!

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