What are we basing our impression on when we judge someone on first perspective without interacting with them?


When you see someone that you haven’t even met but you immediately start forming thoughts like “This person looks annoying” etc, is it true that people’s personality reflect on their phyiscal appearance? How often are our assumptions correct and how do they work? Thanks!

In: 8

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Usually this comes from personal experiences with people similar to “X” that let’s u create an impression that most likely will be erroneous.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Usually this comes from personal experiences with people similar to “X” that let’s u create an impression that most likely will be erroneous.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Usually this comes from personal experiences with people similar to “X” that let’s u create an impression that most likely will be erroneous.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are obvious little things we pick up on that served an evolutionary purpose of keeping us safe from dangerous or untrustworthy people. From this we recognize less dangerous, but still socially relevant clues, and then personal preferences. It makes sense that we would instantly recognize something we find annoying so we can avoid this person, lest we offend them which could lead to downstream consequences, socially, or who knows, perhaps the person takes offence and goes postal. It’s all relevant

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are obvious little things we pick up on that served an evolutionary purpose of keeping us safe from dangerous or untrustworthy people. From this we recognize less dangerous, but still socially relevant clues, and then personal preferences. It makes sense that we would instantly recognize something we find annoying so we can avoid this person, lest we offend them which could lead to downstream consequences, socially, or who knows, perhaps the person takes offence and goes postal. It’s all relevant

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are obvious little things we pick up on that served an evolutionary purpose of keeping us safe from dangerous or untrustworthy people. From this we recognize less dangerous, but still socially relevant clues, and then personal preferences. It makes sense that we would instantly recognize something we find annoying so we can avoid this person, lest we offend them which could lead to downstream consequences, socially, or who knows, perhaps the person takes offence and goes postal. It’s all relevant

Anonymous 0 Comments

Acquired knowledge and past experiences. I don’t really think that personality reflects on people’s physical (physicial as in their body structure, facial traits, etc) appearence.

But, there’s a lot of information that you get from the way that people choose to expose themselves to society. Facial expression in public, style of clothing, preferred clothing brands, hairstyle, etc. You can make a lor of educated guesses about people based on these factors.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Body language and subtle facial micro expressions that you are not consciously aware of may play a role. Although I like to give everyone a chance and the benefit of the doubt, I find most of my first impressions tend to be accurate.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Body language and subtle facial micro expressions that you are not consciously aware of may play a role. Although I like to give everyone a chance and the benefit of the doubt, I find most of my first impressions tend to be accurate.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Body language and subtle facial micro expressions that you are not consciously aware of may play a role. Although I like to give everyone a chance and the benefit of the doubt, I find most of my first impressions tend to be accurate.