What are we basing our impression on when we judge someone on first perspective without interacting with them?


When you see someone that you haven’t even met but you immediately start forming thoughts like “This person looks annoying” etc, is it true that people’s personality reflect on their phyiscal appearance? How often are our assumptions correct and how do they work? Thanks!

In: 8

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m also going to chime in that we pick up on a lot of facial muscle movement as well.

Can you tell the difference between a real smile and a fake smile? In a fake smile, there’s just *something* about the cheek and eye muscles that don’t get pulled all the way up. Facial traits and shape do not matter as much as that relative movement of their cheek muscles.

In a similar manner, you can tell a bit from the “facial posture” of someone. If their muscles are tense, they might be feeling stressed. If their muscles are more slack, even the way that they are slack can give you friendly/chill vibes OR stone-faced/stubborn ones.

As the other comments say, personal experience can also matter as well in recognizing patterns among faces.

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