What are we basing our impression on when we judge someone on first perspective without interacting with them?


When you see someone that you haven’t even met but you immediately start forming thoughts like “This person looks annoying” etc, is it true that people’s personality reflect on their phyiscal appearance? How often are our assumptions correct and how do they work? Thanks!

In: 8

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Acquired knowledge and past experiences. I don’t really think that personality reflects on people’s physical (physicial as in their body structure, facial traits, etc) appearence.

But, there’s a lot of information that you get from the way that people choose to expose themselves to society. Facial expression in public, style of clothing, preferred clothing brands, hairstyle, etc. You can make a lor of educated guesses about people based on these factors.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Acquired knowledge and past experiences. I don’t really think that personality reflects on people’s physical (physicial as in their body structure, facial traits, etc) appearence.

But, there’s a lot of information that you get from the way that people choose to expose themselves to society. Facial expression in public, style of clothing, preferred clothing brands, hairstyle, etc. You can make a lor of educated guesses about people based on these factors.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, watching how this person interacts with others is a very good indicator of how they will interact with you. How they hold themselves, their posture, their movements can indicate their state of mind at any time. Someone scowling at the people around them might not be a good person to approach.

Listening to their tone of voice and how they talk to people is another good indicator. Are they belittling someone? Are they treating them with courtesy etc.

Their clothing can tell you a bit about a person. As can any jewellery or scents a person wears. Do they wear fur. Are they scruffy. Do they have good personal hygiene.

All of these and more, whether we’re conscious of them at all, reflect a persons personality. Even sociopaths and psychopaths.

What it all boils down to is if someone feels ‘off’ to you before you even talk to them, then perhaps you might want to use some caution.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, watching how this person interacts with others is a very good indicator of how they will interact with you. How they hold themselves, their posture, their movements can indicate their state of mind at any time. Someone scowling at the people around them might not be a good person to approach.

Listening to their tone of voice and how they talk to people is another good indicator. Are they belittling someone? Are they treating them with courtesy etc.

Their clothing can tell you a bit about a person. As can any jewellery or scents a person wears. Do they wear fur. Are they scruffy. Do they have good personal hygiene.

All of these and more, whether we’re conscious of them at all, reflect a persons personality. Even sociopaths and psychopaths.

What it all boils down to is if someone feels ‘off’ to you before you even talk to them, then perhaps you might want to use some caution.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, watching how this person interacts with others is a very good indicator of how they will interact with you. How they hold themselves, their posture, their movements can indicate their state of mind at any time. Someone scowling at the people around them might not be a good person to approach.

Listening to their tone of voice and how they talk to people is another good indicator. Are they belittling someone? Are they treating them with courtesy etc.

Their clothing can tell you a bit about a person. As can any jewellery or scents a person wears. Do they wear fur. Are they scruffy. Do they have good personal hygiene.

All of these and more, whether we’re conscious of them at all, reflect a persons personality. Even sociopaths and psychopaths.

What it all boils down to is if someone feels ‘off’ to you before you even talk to them, then perhaps you might want to use some caution.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m also going to chime in that we pick up on a lot of facial muscle movement as well.

Can you tell the difference between a real smile and a fake smile? In a fake smile, there’s just *something* about the cheek and eye muscles that don’t get pulled all the way up. Facial traits and shape do not matter as much as that relative movement of their cheek muscles.

In a similar manner, you can tell a bit from the “facial posture” of someone. If their muscles are tense, they might be feeling stressed. If their muscles are more slack, even the way that they are slack can give you friendly/chill vibes OR stone-faced/stubborn ones.

As the other comments say, personal experience can also matter as well in recognizing patterns among faces.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m also going to chime in that we pick up on a lot of facial muscle movement as well.

Can you tell the difference between a real smile and a fake smile? In a fake smile, there’s just *something* about the cheek and eye muscles that don’t get pulled all the way up. Facial traits and shape do not matter as much as that relative movement of their cheek muscles.

In a similar manner, you can tell a bit from the “facial posture” of someone. If their muscles are tense, they might be feeling stressed. If their muscles are more slack, even the way that they are slack can give you friendly/chill vibes OR stone-faced/stubborn ones.

As the other comments say, personal experience can also matter as well in recognizing patterns among faces.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m also going to chime in that we pick up on a lot of facial muscle movement as well.

Can you tell the difference between a real smile and a fake smile? In a fake smile, there’s just *something* about the cheek and eye muscles that don’t get pulled all the way up. Facial traits and shape do not matter as much as that relative movement of their cheek muscles.

In a similar manner, you can tell a bit from the “facial posture” of someone. If their muscles are tense, they might be feeling stressed. If their muscles are more slack, even the way that they are slack can give you friendly/chill vibes OR stone-faced/stubborn ones.

As the other comments say, personal experience can also matter as well in recognizing patterns among faces.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You actually make a judgement of the person in less than 0.10 seconds of seeing them. You just become consciously aware of it later. And all of it is based on evolutionary hints. Physical size, symmetry signaling quality of their genes and their access / ability to acquire resources as a child. The very same reason the Halo effect exists where we subconsciously attribute good qualities to good-looking people without any evidence.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You actually make a judgement of the person in less than 0.10 seconds of seeing them. You just become consciously aware of it later. And all of it is based on evolutionary hints. Physical size, symmetry signaling quality of their genes and their access / ability to acquire resources as a child. The very same reason the Halo effect exists where we subconsciously attribute good qualities to good-looking people without any evidence.