What can someone do if they have your signature?


What can someone do if they have your signature?

In: 6

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They could withdraw money from your account, make purchases using you credit card, sign papers on you behalf that they would never have done in theirs…

Pretty much anything i guess and that’s quite creepy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In today’s world? absolutely nothing.

A lot of things nowadays require photo IDs, and thanks to the internet, they can verify that right away.

Signature and related ID theft occurred in the good old days, the lack of portable communication and on-time verification usually meant your signature was the only way to verify you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nothing. You can sign other peoples name all day long and nothing will happen unless they complain. When it comes up is when people deny they signed something, then it’s more than the mark to either prove or not prove.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As I have learned from personal experience, your mobile phone number is infinitely more valuable than your signature. If someone can ghost your phone, or transfer your number to their SIM card, they can break into all sorts of things, like your bank account for example.

If you haven’t locked down your mobile phone account with 2-factor authentication, account PIN and or secret passwords, I highly recommend you do.

Anonymous 0 Comments

These days? very little.

We moved away from signatures because they were so easily forged. In theory someone could forge your signature to a contract and try and enforce that in court. But that is why important signatures are witnessed.