What can someone do with an ip address ?


Guys i know that you can get ddosed. But can someone get your exact location on where your device is or where you live? i dont really understand what the term “geolocation” means Thanks in advance

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> But can someone get your exact location on where your device is or where you live?

If they can convince your ISP to give them your address, or break into your ISPs database and get that address, yes.

IP addresses can give someone a general area (like the city, for example) that a person lives in, but it isn’t always that straightforward. I’ve been on government systems (which run on their own special piece of the internet), and their geolocation area (‘geolocation’ is just short for geographic location) sometimes shows thousands of miles away from their actual location.

So yes, someone may know what city/state/area of the world you’re in based on your IP, and they can launch attacks against your IP, but they generally can’t pinpoint an exact location.

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