What caused Gynecomastia in men? And how does surgery work on those cases?


What caused Gynecomastia in men? And how does surgery work on those cases?

In: Biology

Anonymous 0 Comments

first result in google:

“Gynecomastia is an enlargement or swelling of breast tissue in males. It is most commonly caused by male estrogen levels that are too high or are out of balance with testosterone levels.”

Basically, both men & women produce estrogen & testosterone. Men with gynecomastia are most commonly producing too much estrogen, which leads to man boobs – there’s a few dozen factors there, ranging from hormone production, diet, exercise, (a dozen other factors), when you’re comparing estrogen & testosterone production in humans, regardless of biological gender.


Surgery for it is basically just cutting into & removing the excess the tissue, removing the excess fat/”boob tissue” and stitching it up. Not too complicated there – it’s more or less the same kind of procedure as a mastectomy; removal of breast tissue for a woman with breast cancer, just for a male instead of a female.

What is more complicated though, is getting them on some kind of drug, diet, or other treatment/program to “solve” the problem, to prevent the hormone imbalance from allowing other issues to crop up, or the gynecomastia to come back in a few years.


tldr; I’m not a doctor, but google says it’s typically a hormone imbalance. The surgery is pretty much identical to a mastectomy (removal of breast tissue).