What causes/creates a learning disorder in one’s brain?


What causes/creates a learning disorder in one’s brain?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well there’s an impossibly long list of specific causes, in general, damage. Often very early in life or even pre-natally. Some part of the brain doesn’t function, or function as fast as expected. Bad sight or hearing can also form learning disorders, as long as it’s undiscovered, the kid isn’t able to learn ad quickly, and its almost impossible to completely catch up again.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Could be a number of things.

The brain’s a complex machine. A lot of things need to go right for it to function correctly.

Genes can play a role. If the part of your brain that processes language needs a lot of a certain protein and your DNA doesn’t encode it, you’ll struggle with language. People with Downs Syndrome have an extra chromosome which has a significant genetic effect, contributing to learning disability among other things.

Conditions during pregnancy can also cause an issues. Certain chemicals ingested in pregnancy can interfere with how the brain initially grows, and these faulty structures can function poorly after birth. This isn’t just recreational drugs – certain herbicides and pesticides can have this as a very serious effect. Low oxygen during and immediately after birth can damage/kill neurons and have a similar effect.

Physical trauma to the head in the womb, at birth, and in early childhood can also cause issues.

Basically, the brain is a well oiled machine. If something goes wrong, it has impact.