What causes elderly to hunch their backs?


What causes elderly to hunch their backs?

In: 125

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everyone here is saying age and degeneration. I’ll give you another possibility to consider. Humans like to make things easier for themselves. All of our inventions tend to take the challenge out of life.

To maintain muscles you have to use them. If the predominate action in your life is to push, sit, look down then you barely utilize any muscles in the back of your body. If you don’t maintain tone in the muscles that support your spine then you start to curve. Once you start curving your body tries maintain equilibrium by pushing your hips forward to counter the weight. This is why some older people look like a question mark.

You have to constantly challenge your body and muscles. Older people should place objects higher up to maintain a more dynamic Range of Motion. Move as much as possible and vary their exercise routines. There’s so much more to be said but I would have to write a book.

My background is massage therapy, yoga and personal training for the last 18 years.

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