There isn’t a cure, but my wife has frequent terrible debilitating migraines and her doctor gave her some samples of Nurtec (rimegepant), and BOOM, they disappear in a few minutes.
The problem is the pills are like $100 a pop! Her doctor was able to get her a small amount of extras, but she treats them as precious and decides if any particular migraine is “sponge worthy” to steal a phrase.
I have no idea if this works for all migraines or just the kind she gets, but she swears by it.
My wife and many of the people in her migraine monitoring group get them from atmospheric pressure changes. A storm rolls in, pressure drops and her migraine kicks in. When she would get really bad ones during business hours, we’d go to a local driving range that was inside a pressurized bubble and she’d get almost instantaneous relief as soon as we walked through the airlock. Unfortunately that place has closed so we’ve been working on the layout for a pressurized room in a former fruit cellar in our basement.
She gets medical botox injections in her scalp and hairline every 3 months which have helped lessen the severity and frequency of the migraines quite a bit but not enough to call it a cure.
She has also tried a self injectable, I believe it was called Ambivig or something like that. It seemed to really help at first as we had a few bad storms pass through with no migraines. After 3 or 4 months the drug didn’t seem as effective and became even less so the more time had passed.
This isn’t an endorsement or criticism of any of the treatments, simply a sharing of what we’ve experienced over the past 30 years. There isn’t a cure so you just have to find your own personal way of managing this. Be it laying down in a dark room, finding a golf dome or trying different medical treatments.
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