what causes migraines and how come we haven’t developed a cure for them yet?


what causes migraines and how come we haven’t developed a cure for them yet?

In: 90

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As others have stated there are many types of migraines and scientist still haven’t been able to pinpoint the cause because there are so many types and triggers. I’ve read many theories and one popular theory says it has something to do with the blood vessels and chemicals in your brain. Triggers can be hormonal, dietary, external (like weather or lights), even emotional. They can also be genetic. You can also get them with or without an aura and they can last for hours or even days!

In my case my triggers are flashing/strobing lights, changes in barometric pressures, stress and certain smells. I believe mine are genetic as my mom gets them and my daughter also gets them. I’ve been prescribed a preventative called Zonisamide that has cut them down to almost 1 every few months if even that. Its an actually a low dose seizure med but it works. I also take a cocktail when I get them (triptan, anti nausea medication and an NSAID).

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