What causes muscles to gradually lose their ability to function during repetitive lifting exercise?


When doing bicep curls, the first rep is relatively easy but eventually it becomes impossible to do a single curl.

After a rest, the muscle resets and can once again lift.

What is causing the muscle exhaustion and what is it that “resets” within the muscle?

In: 85

9 Answers

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There is some interesting science that points to a combination of mental and physical endurance. The idea is called Central Governor Model and it is the hypothesis is that there is a mechanism that prevents the body from “exercising” itself to death. From my understanding it is a feedback loop between the muscles and brain. Researchers aren’t sure if the fatigue signal comes from the brain or the muscles.

You can listen to a podcast about this topic as it relates to the world record for pull ups in 24 hours. [https://www.outsideonline.com/podcast/pull-artists/](https://www.outsideonline.com/podcast/pull-artists/)

You can read about it as it relates to runners here: https://thereader.mitpress.mit.edu/running-and-the-science-of-mental-toughness/

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