What causes new freckles to pop up?


I don’t get a lot of sunlight in my day to day because of my work schedule but I’m constantly finding new freckles. None of them appear to show any negative signs, they’re all the typical little dots most people have. I also used to not have any on my face/hands/feet but that’s gradually changed and now I have a whole smattering of light freckles across my face and new little dots on my body. One in particular on my pinkie finger that’s about 4 years old is a favorite. What causes this?

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The primary cause of new freckles is exposure to the sun’s UV rays. When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it triggers the production of melanin as a protective response. Freckles tend to appear more commonly on people with lighter skin tones, as they have less natural protection against UV radiation.

Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during puberty, pregnancy, or while taking hormonal medications, can also trigger the development of freckles. This is because hormonal fluctuations can affect the activity of melanocytes.

Also, over time, cumulative sun exposure can lead to the development of new freckles. As you age, the effects of past sun exposure can become more apparent on your skin.