What causes planets to get titled to a certain angle?


Are planets,when they get formed,at a zero angle by default?

If that`s true what causes the different tilts with different planets and what`s so special about Uranus that it is is titled completely to it`s side?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It just looks fabulous tilted on its side like that. Gives it flair.
The other poster here made a great point about Uranus. It’s not even remotely close to spinning the right way. It barrel rolls around the solar system.

Though get this: Our solar system is actually tiled up sideways compared with the rest of the galaxy. That makes Uranus spinning at an angle I’m too tired to figure out.

As to why: We still don’t actually know. Really. Its most likely collisions as the other poster said. Other star systems can come in at all sorts of ridiculous angles though so its by far the best theory. You’re right to think its weird.

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