What causes planets to get titled to a certain angle?


Are planets,when they get formed,at a zero angle by default?

If that`s true what causes the different tilts with different planets and what`s so special about Uranus that it is is titled completely to it`s side?

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2 Answers

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A young solar system is a chaotic place, with all these forming planets sucking up dust and debris in the accretion disk until they’re massive enough to start pulling on eachother’s orbits.

Then you get a period of protoplanetary demolition derby, with these new planets in unstable orbits tossing eachother around. Sometimes you get a collision of unimaginable magnitude when two full-sized planets ram into eachother.

Earth’s moon is believed to have been formed in one of these impacts that peeled Earth like a potato.

Uranus likely got clocked sideways from another such impact. The planet’s interior is also unusually cold, suggesting it may have lost a lot of internal heat from the splattering.

Eventually all the interfering orbits are eliminated, and all the planets are in stable orbits or obliterated.

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