I was reading a post about alcohol causing milk to curdle in your stomach and most said it makes them nautious. Spoiled milk would be due to bacteria like any kind of food poisoning, but if the milk was curdled by alcohol, what about it would make you sick?
People’s minds/tastes, just the mental component to nausea. There’s no physical cause. Same thing how smells can sometimes make people physically ill, even though they’re not sick. Some people don’t mind curdled drinks and they’ll suffer no I’ll feelings
Anonymous 0
Alcohol makes people feel sick. Milk makes some people feel sick. Curdled milk is just milk that’s separated, and that’s how cheese is made. That doesn’t make one sick unless they have an issue with dairy.
Anonymous 0
Milks gonna curdle in your stomach anyway. Because of the acid. Try mixing some milk and orange juice in a cup and see what happens
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