What causes the feeling that air is “stuffy?”


Like right now, I’m in my apartment and just turned the A/C on because it feels stuffy. It’s not hot or humid, just… stuffy. What makes it feel that way?

In: 7

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

if i remember correctly it is the larger amounts of carbon dioxide and dust in the air, it also is partly due to the fact that if the iar has not been moving about the carbon can settel in in parts of teh room, when the air is curculating or fresh air is comming in it evenly dispurses the carbon in the air, fresh air also can have less carbon dioxide in it, i alosm read that warmer air can make you feel stuffy as well, i am noit sure why that is though

Anonymous 0 Comments

If the air in your apartment doesn’t move and fresh air doesn’t come in from outside, contaminates build up over time. Your body detects these contaminates and you get a sensation of thickness of the air. Many things contribute to stale air – dust, pet dander, mold, smoke, chemicals, as well as odors from food, dirty socks, the toilet, etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Breathe in oxygen, breathe out carbon dioxide. Sooner or later the balance changes and becomes noticeable.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Opening a window 🪟 from time to time helps alleviate the stuffiness. I open at least 2 to get a decent air flow exchange. 😊

Anonymous 0 Comments

Heres a good 5 minute video to explain [https://youtu.be/1Nh_vxpycEA](https://youtu.be/1Nh_vxpycEA)

TLDW; higher C02 = lower cognitive function, more “stale air”