I’ve had ones that sound like something big fell down in the house. When I wake up with this it’s as if I can still hear it in my auditory memory- as if there’s a kind of sensation in my ears, or the nerves of my ears. When it happens I have to check with my husband to see if there was actually a sound or not.
One night my kid had fallen out of bed, but at first I thought it was one of these episodes.
They are hallucinations. Now don’t worry, it is not related to any sort of mental disorder whatsoever. Hypnopompic and hypnogogic hallucinations. They are quite common and in some cases can be quite terrifying (people can see ghosts, old hags, someone sitting on their chest but only briefly). This includes hearing crashes, voices etc too. The reason this happens when going to sleep or when waking is thought to be related to part of the brain waking while part is still asleep. So in a sense, dreaming while awake. For most people who don’t have sleep disorders like narcolepsy they are usually brief as the rest of the brain fully wakes up the images, sounds whatever disappear. I myself had a quite impressive, and terrifying one once. Very scary, but also not real. So if you see a ghost, or feel someone touch you that is not there, and you are waking, or falling asleep, nothing supernatural, just a hallucination.
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