what causes the moon to seem invisible sometimes?


It is/was a Waning Crescent tonight for the Moon. But I haven’t seen the Moon once tonight, I noticed earlier in the night because it is so pitch black out in my backyard.

I thought only a New Moon can give this affect. How can the Moon be in Waning Crescent but completely gone from the nights sky? It is a clear night here in South Tx, I can see the stars. But no moon. A friend said maybe it is late rising but it is 4am, still no moon.

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12 Answers

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The moon is only visible from half of earth at a moment in time. For the other half earth itesfe block the view.

It is only when it is a full moon that all of the night side of the earth and no of the day side can see the moon. By full moon I mean the moment it is full not when it something like 99.5% full

When it is a new moon it would only be the day side that geometrically could see it. Because it is the nonilluminated side of the moon that is toward earth no one can see it.

The other time the mon is visible from part of the day side and part of the night side of earth.

The moon is only 17.8% illuminated today that means most of the locations on Earth that can see it will have daytime.

IF you look at the time https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/usa/houston you get a moon rise at 4:56 and a moon set at 16:32. That is 11 hours and 36 minutes of visibility.

The sunrise is at 6:53 and the sunset at 19:49 This means the moon is only visible from 4:56 to 6:53 during the night. That is 1 hour and 57 minutes of the moon up during the night and 9 hours and 39 minutes of the moon up during the day.

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