The answer to your question is more complex than an eli5 tbh, pain science is constantly evolving and low back/sciatic pain still somewhat baffles medical professionals to this day.
That being said it typically indicates your nerve is aggravated/inflamed in some way which may happen for various reasons, like disc herniation, stenosis, or entrapment of the nerve in some form of tissue. That being said sciatic pain can still occur in the absence of structural abnormality and many people with structural abnormality don’t end up with pain which seriously muddies the water.
The “release” may be due to your herniation healing or simply just the inflammation reducing over time. Muscle relaxors essentially calm your muscles and nerves down which can help the pain, especially if muscle spasm is inflaming the nerve or if you’re excessively bracing due to pain and causing further inflammation. Some people believe you can use massage/other hands on techniques to “release” muscles or other tissue but to be honest that has yet to really be supported in the research.
Tldr: pain science is super complicated but pretty interesting to learn about 😂
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