what causes “the spins”? Or, rather the feeling of spinning while intoxicated; especially on THC and alcohol at the same time?


I, and others that I know, have experienced “the spins”, spinning feeling, from consuming alcohol and THC together in varying degrees. Why does one experience this, and why do these substances cause it?

In: 4999

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body has three ways of measuring position and movement.

Your inner ear is coated in little hairs that sense the movement of fluid. Your eyes can see what’s going on. And your body can feel through touch.

With three systems, your brain is normally pretty happy as long as two of them agree. If you close your eyes, the other two systems still know what’s going on so everything is still good.

As others have said alcohol messes with your inner ear system. While your eyes are open your eyes and touch both still know what’s going on so you don’t feel too bad.

When you’re lying in bed and close your eyes, you now only have one working system, touch. Your eyes are telling your brain nothing, so it ignores them. Touch is telling your brain that you’re lying on your back. Your inner ear is telling your brain you’re on a rollercoaster, so that gets fed into the calculation and you feel like you’re spinning.

That’s also the reason why you feel mostly fine when your eyes are open, and horrible when you close them.

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