what changes in the structure of an object that allows something to permanently bend (i.e folding paper)


what changes in the structure of an object that allows something to permanently bend (i.e folding paper)

In: Physics

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The answer differs depending on the material but u/Zemedelphos and u/hickeycurran mostly cover it from two different views. u/Zemedelphos is incorrect in the last 2 paragraphs. u/hickeycurran is simplifying things to a single isometric material.

For elastic materials there is a difference between elastic deformation (temporary) and plastic deformation (permanent). This model is often applied to all materials in structural design as a simplifying assumption.

Folding paper is plastic deformation. Bending paper without creasing would be elastic deformation.

Edit: “wrong” is the wrong word. u/Zemedelphos is technically correct, but the last 2 paragraphs are more misleading than helpful for a basic understanding.

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