What did pro sports do to end fans from running on the field?


Watching a clip of the Mets winning the NL Pennant in 1986 and hundreds of fans ran on the field tearing up the grass and mobbing the players. I realized I havent seen this at a pro event in years. On the field security is not some overwhelming force. We do see it in college but this seems to be with a wink and a nod from the school. When the Phillies won the World Series literally no fan ran on the field. What did pro sports do differently?

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3 Answers

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Ballparks now station several police officers along the foul lines; they are tucked away during play, but they appear between every inning and after the game and just stand there watching the stands. No, “several” officers would not be enough to stop hundreds of people at once, but there has never been a concerted effort by fans to do that; *one* person does it and the rest of the mob shrugs and follows. You can no longer be that first person because you’ll be the one the cops grab.

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