What do API and 3rd party apps have to do with social media platforms?


What do API and 3rd party apps have to do with social media platforms?

In: 16

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

APIs are how programs communicate with other programs. They give specific instructions on how to request or submit data so that the original program is able to process the data correctly. So, if you want to use an app to post to Reddit, the Reddit API tells you where to submit the post and how to format it so that Reddit posts it correctly.

3rd party apps are apps that interface with a program made by different developers. So Apollo, the very popular Reddit app, is a 3rd party app – Reddit doesn’t make it but it still accesses Reddit.

3rd party apps use the API to work. Apollo uses the API to access Reddit data and submit data to Reddit.

This maters because changes to the API can break access on 3rd party apps. If a company limits how often you can use the API (what is happening in this case) it can mean that apps are unable to function.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The API or application programming interface is the gateway from outside into the service. If that API wasn’t open, or available to 3rd party developers the only way you’d be able to interact with a service like Reddit is through THEIR official interfaces: the website, the official apps.

3rd party apps are just alternate apps for a particular service that do different things, or prioritize different features in their development. For example, maybe the official app hasn’t got a “Dark Mode”, but a 3rd party app does.

The API is also how you collect data (for research, marketing etc.).

The reason this is all a big deal for Reddit right now is that Reddit has decided to dramatically increase the fees they charge 3rd party app developers and API users for access. To levels that will, in effect, be unaffordable to 3rd party developers and API users – most of them anyway. Which means users of those APPs will have to switch to the official ones. Users of the API for research will have to pay $$$$.

Twitter did the same thing. All social media sites do this in the end phase. [As Cory Doctorow says, this is the “enshittification” of any service on the internet.](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/)

1. make it awesome for users; they and their friends join. Lock in the users.
2. make it awesome for advertisers; seller tools, ad tools etc. Lock them in.
3. make it awesome for the venture capital dudebros and stockholders; this usually means raising prices and lots of ads or both. This also means making it shitty for users. Usually.
4. having pissed of users, they leave. Advertisers leave. The service dies.

Happened to Facebook, happened to Twitter, Tiktok, Insta, now Reddit.

Anonymous 0 Comments

An API is a tool used to allow other people to access data you have in an organized and streamlined fashion.

Reddit’s actual underlying database that has all the comments, posts, upvotes, etc. is (currently) pretty open. If you want to build your own custom Reddit app you could do so. You would build the front end website that the user interacts with and, whenever you need the information from Reddit’s database, your site would just be using Reddit’s API to get the data.

I’m not super read in on the situation, but it seems like Reddit is considering charging these 3rd party apps a prohibitively large amount to access the Reddit database through the API. This means that these sites will, effectively, be shut down if the cost of getting Reddit’s data is unaffordable.