– What do apps with really invasive data collections actually get from users, and should I delete an app that I just discovered does this?


I’ve had a game I’ve been playing on my phone for a year or so now. I noticed they made a sequel and checked it out. Now that the Apple App Store shows you pretty plainly an idea of what data the apps mine, I checked out the one I’ve had for a while. Reading their privacy policy, they state they have collected users basic info- name, email, phone number- but also information like drivers license and social security numbers. Am I screwed? Do I delete the app?

In: 67

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your phone knows every time you pick it up. It knows every time you open an app and in what order you check your apps. This may not be important to you but it means a lot to people who collect data. They know the pictures you look at, the articles you click on, the things you send to your friends, the things you laugh at, the things you ignore, and more importantly… The things that piss you off. You can be manipulated very subtly into making purchases and decisions.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In canada our entire phone is tracked by our government. So if you are only worried about one app,
Feel blessed

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re on ios? They might not have obtained the information. If they did, you have a problem.

There’s no legitimate reason for a game to need your social. Those are used for jobs, taxes, credit, and banking. I can’t imagine why they’d need your driver license, either.

It’s a favorite game – I get that. But if your identity is stolen, that won’t be worth much. I suggest that you pretend to live in California long enough to get your data removed by the game. I really doubt this game is GDPR compliant, or that might be easier.

Then, start watching your credit reports carefully! There are free ways that are a total pain, or you can get one of the Experion credit watch plans for a reasonable price. Don’t get something like Credit Karma that sells your info. You’re watching for any new bank accounts or credit cards or address changes that you didn’t do.

Report this to the App Store. It’s probably against their terms.

Does the game have access to all photos? That’s definitely an issue. Whether or not the terms say they’re being crappy, don’t let apps have access to photos they don’t need. Photo editors need exactly the photo you’re working on, for example. Anything else lets them lose or steal your private stuff.