What do artists mean when they talk about rendering?


I hear the term “rendering” thrown around in both traditional and digital art communities like it’s some sort of buzzword, but I’ve never gotten a clear explanation as to what it means.

In: 37

17 Answers

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1. Hand made art: Rendering would be taking a simplified sketch and adding detail, color. Shading…etc this is the same thing for still 8magery that is painted digitally in photoshop or whatever

2. Digital art: Rendering in digital art refers more to 3D art or animation. The artists and animators will set up the scene in a low resolution way, that doesn’t account for complex light and shadow..etc. That stuff takes a lot of computer processing power. So once they are ready, they let the computer render, which is essentially the computer doing a bunch of math for the light to bounce around, and physics to work properly, to make small particles etc…

Check out this small bit of this clip for a CG example of how they work, then rendered versions

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