what do “hackers” mean by finding a “vulnerability”. It’s hard to understand how there can be a gap in code that grants that much access.


**Thank you guys for all the great answers I am enlightened. Computers are fascinating to me so this is a real treat!

In: 1007

41 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In addition to a lot of good answers here, vulnerabilities can also be in the following sense.

Imagine a nice, sturdy house with all the fancy locks. It’s secure af.

Now there’s a dog door / flap on the main door. It’s big enough for an average dog but impossible for even a child to crawl through, let alone a grown man.

However, what the architect didn’t think of is that it is possible to use some sort of lever that can be inserted through the dog flap that can reach the door knob and open it.

There you go. Someone who visited the apartment or is well versed with the architects designs now knows how to sneak into the house through the dog flap.

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