what do people mean when they say science is always changing, and what is the example of science changing?



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14 Answers

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Science is the process of finding out the truth. Sometimes, aspects of reality remain hidden due to limitations on our technology and methodology, and when those limitations are removed, our knowledge expands.

For example, we used to think that our bodies were composed of humorous energies, and that all things were made up of mystical elements.

We started examining bodies more closely, and getting finer and finer magnification, and we found that our body was made of cells, and those cells are made of different parts, and those parts are made with different chemicals, and those chemical molecules are made up of atoms, and those atoms are made of particles and those particles are made of even smaller particles.

With each advance, we learn something new, and sometimes that new thing completely invalidates an old paradigm.

That is what it means by “the science changes”. The world didn’t suddenly flip upside down, we just learned to look at it from a new and more accurate perspective.

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