what do pharmacist do anyway? Every time I go to the pharmacy, I see a lineup of people behind the counter doing something I’m sure they’re counting up pills, but did they do anything else?


what do pharmacist do anyway? Every time I go to the pharmacy, I see a lineup of people behind the counter doing something I’m sure they’re counting up pills, but did they do anything else?

In: 215

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

One thing I dont see here is billing. Mostly falls on the pharmacy technicians, but we make sure your insurance is actually billed correctly. And if there are discount cards a patient wants to use we can try to do COBs with them. We also have to do dosage math (looking at you insulins and opiates) and make sure the dose doesn’t kill ya.

Then the patient charting is also done at a pharmacy. (We’re a medical practice and it’s important to tell us what makes your body unique, blood pressure, diabetes, even depression!)

And ALL OF THE DATA ENTRY. Every order that comes in needs inputted and sent to insurances to be billed, cross checked with other medications on the file for interactions, and even compliance checks need done (making sure your taking your medications properly to control your blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.) its not all counting pills all day, but a lot of medical safety and compliance follow ups.

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