What do spies do in real life?


Both in a modern and historical sense

In: Other

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most work to acquire ‘assets’ – people who have jobs that give them access to sensitive information.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a book called stiletto the perspective of a German spider world war II and Scotland yard detected traffic in pretty interesting but it hasn’t whore real life perspective of what I’ve spy would be doing really good read.

Anonymous 0 Comments

drink coffee, hold very dull meetings, and manage a small team of people that do basic admin tasks.

So one of my clients was a ‘spy” in germany in the late 80s, she worked in the I.T industry but was trying to build business links with East Germany. (she worked for the UK) She said it was very dull most of the time, with some networking meetings where pretty much everybody knew or thought everybody else was also a spy.

From what she has told me it was just like any senior/ middle management position, not enough pay, too may managers giving opinions and once or twice a year a bit of a debrief with some bosses from the UK.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not 5 minutes, but this podcast is great! https://www.stuffyoushouldknow.com/podcasts/how-spies-work.htm