What do you call a phenomenon where you ask yourself and answer and somehow it answers back


I asked something like: Did he eat that last piece of cake he is not even hungry.

And my mind answers: Probably he doesn’t want that piece go to waste.

It happen most of the time. Do we have a good definition of what kind of phenomenon is this?

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9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

thinking, you had a thought, if this is the first time this has happened to you then i feel sorry for anybody who has ever had to spent more than 5 minutes with you

Anonymous 0 Comments

Are you talking about… thinking?

Anonymous 0 Comments

What you’re describing is ‘inner monologue.’ Yes, it’s normal, but at the same time, not everyone thinks in words. Some people think in images, or concepts.

Some people actually have no inner monologue at all.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Inference. You are using your past experiences to fill in gaps of information that are missing to you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You have a djinn. You need to seek help from the local mosque, they can help with your thinking, ehm I mean djinn.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The weirdest thing is that some people can’t hear their own voice in their head… I hear my voice the whole time I am typing this out

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s called “Inland empire” and it’s essentially your gut feeling. Spec points into it for more humorous dialogue.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Thinking. At times, when you present yourself with a question like you are being interviewed, or reliving a presentation you did and the “teacher” asks you a question, you are simulating your brain and thus reaching an answer.

Your question is your line of thinking, hence why asking the right questions is often related to intelligence — it allows you to reach a correct answer quicker, as opposed to just throwing random questions and hoping one sticks.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Average Redditor discovers the ability to “think”.

There might be hope for this people on the this platform after all