what do you mean by two standard deviation?


I understand standard deviation a bit but not fully so kindly someone explain two standard deviation.

In: 5

15 Answers

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The idea being “when is a value big or small”.
If I put two arrows a meter apart is that a big difference or a little one? It depends. We need context. That might be something like how far away you are from the target.

Mathematically, the SD provides that context.

Do you usually shoot arrows which are separated by a meter?

Let me put that in math-speak: Is it “standard” for you to have arrows which “deviate” by a meter?

For some of the more common distributions, the majority (~65%) is within 1 SD and the vast majority (over 95%) of the data is within 2 SDs. So a value within two Standard deviations is very common.

So if the arrows are more than 2 SDs apart, that is likely (though not guaranteed) to be unusual and not just happenstance.

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