What does a CEO Exactly do?


So I work for a large bank in the United States. Me and my coworkers always joke that whenever something bad or inconvenient happens it’s the CEOs fault. Though it’s just a running joke it got me thinking, on a day to day basis what does a CEO actually do? I get the “Chief Executive Officer” nomenclature means they more than likely make executive decisions but what does that look like? Are they at their desk signing papers all day? Death by meeting?

Edit: Holy crap thanks for all the answers I feel like this sub always pulls through when I have a weird question. Thanks guys!

In: 1423

35 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A CEO’s job is to direct the company. Whatever that may be. Is there a new emerging technology like AI or additive manufacturing that has potential for the company? It’s the CEO’s job to say “let’s pursue it, I want to use it to do x. Person Y it is your job to develop this technology within our needs. What do you need to do that?” Person Y then says what they need and the CEO should do what they can to provide that.

Or if there’s a failing division. A CEO might be the one responsible for either turning it around by firing the leadership of that division, or the people in that division. OR it might be the CEO’s decision to shut that division down entirely and stop wasting resources on a division that’s not pulling it’s weight.

Basically a CEO doesn’t think day to day or even month to month. It’s the CEO’s job to plan the direction of the company year by year. Frequently they’re expected to maintain a rolling 5 year plan for the company. This is where we want the company to be in 5 years. Maybe we want automation to replace 1/2 our laborers. Maybe we want AI to replace 1/2 our animators or coders. Then monitor progress. If anything isn’t going to plan then it’s their job to intervene and steer it back in the right direction. At the CEO level that typically means resource reallocation, rather than any actual work. For you that might mean the budget for your team doubles, so you’ll get new coworkers. Or it might mean people won’t be replaced after they leave since they bought you these ai tools to help, so you can pick up the slack easier.

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