What does a coder use when they make a program from scratch?


I don’t understand what the starting point is. Do they just open a word document and start creating lines of code or is there some type of program that’s specifically used?

In: 1291

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of bad answers here, especially the top one where they claim HTML is a programming language.

> some type of program that’s specifically used?

This is the part that everyone is ignoring, there are specialized programs that are required. Yeah anyone can write code, in a text editor but that doesn’t mean that is all you need to program. You will also need a program that can convert the code into machine readable instructions. These are commonly known as compilers or interpreters depending on the language. This is where we will definitely leave the realm of ELI5. But yes you can write code in any text editor, but no that is not all you need to run your code. The “text editors” that are commonly used by programmers are actually called Integrated Development Environments (IDE). These are specialized tools to assist in programming, a very popular one is VS Code.

If you are interested in learning how to program, you can go to /r/learnprogramming ignore literally every post in there but just go to the sidebar and read some of the getting started material. Anyone can program, not everyone has what it takes to do it for a living but anyone can learn how to program.

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