What does a coder use when they make a program from scratch?


I don’t understand what the starting point is. Do they just open a word document and start creating lines of code or is there some type of program that’s specifically used?

In: 1291

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, you can literally open up Notepad(Not Word), and start writing lines of code. In practice, different tools have been created for different languages. Often times if you are starting a program, some initial code will be auto filled, as it will be some required repetitive code that every program of that language must use. Some examples of different code editors/IDEs are:

* Visual Studio
* Visual Studio Code
* Brackets
* Pycharm
* Atom
* Sublime Text
* Notepad++

All of these tools will have different features, and are often very customizable. Most editors have what is called Intellisense or something similar, that will bring up suggestions of standard code snippets, [as you start to type words](https://code.visualstudio.com/assets/docs/editor/intellisense/intellisense.gif). So it is no longer necessary to memorize every last detail of a coding language, like it was long ago. Code editor also help organize the code with proper lines, indentation, and color coding, to make it easier to read and write.

EDIT. Just wanted to add this to show just how simple it is for someone to make a piece of code:

1. Open Windows Note pad.
2. Type this **<html>Hello World</html>**
3. Save as. Name the file, and change the file extension from .txt to .html
4. Find and Open the file in your browser of choice.
5. Congrats, you just made a really shitty web page!

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