What does “bad cholesterol” do to the body that increases your risk of cardiovascular disease as opposed to “good” cholesterol?


What does “bad cholesterol” do to the body that increases your risk of cardiovascular disease as opposed to “good” cholesterol?

In: 7

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

HDL carries the good cholesterol to your liver, where it can be broken down. LDL goes straight to your arteries and builds up.

Anonymous 0 Comments

HDL carries the good cholesterol to your liver, where it can be broken down. LDL goes straight to your arteries and builds up.

Anonymous 0 Comments

**Low-density** lipoprotein (LDL), means just what it says. It’s a **less dense** form of fatty protein that flows through your veins. Because it’s not dense, it can be fluffy or sticky, and easily accumulate within your blood vessels and arteries.

**High-density** lipoprotein (HDL) is the high density form of that same lipoprotein. Think of it as a very mild roto rooter for your veins. As it courses through your blood vessels it can help remove some of the sticky stuff, and keeps your arteries clear. It self-maintains much better than LDL.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So first off, despite the names, neither LDL or HDL is cholesterol. Instead what they are is lipoproteins, or proteins that carry lipids (fats) to different places around the body. When we measure HDL and LDL, what we are actually measuring is the amount of cholesterol each respective protein is carrying. While they are both proteins and they’re both carrying cholesterol, they’re carrying them to different locations for different purposes. HDL carries cholesterol to the liver where it can be broken down and excreted harmlessly. LDL carries cholesterol to your peripheral locations. The problem is when you have too much LDL, white blood cells eat those proteins to reduce their concentration. These white blood cells become bloated, which we call foam cells. These foam cells form the plaque that builds up in arteries and causes vascular disease. These foam cells can’t be seen within the blood, so instead we test for LDL levels

Anonymous 0 Comments

So first off, despite the names, neither LDL or HDL is cholesterol. Instead what they are is lipoproteins, or proteins that carry lipids (fats) to different places around the body. When we measure HDL and LDL, what we are actually measuring is the amount of cholesterol each respective protein is carrying. While they are both proteins and they’re both carrying cholesterol, they’re carrying them to different locations for different purposes. HDL carries cholesterol to the liver where it can be broken down and excreted harmlessly. LDL carries cholesterol to your peripheral locations. The problem is when you have too much LDL, white blood cells eat those proteins to reduce their concentration. These white blood cells become bloated, which we call foam cells. These foam cells form the plaque that builds up in arteries and causes vascular disease. These foam cells can’t be seen within the blood, so instead we test for LDL levels

Anonymous 0 Comments

**Low-density** lipoprotein (LDL), means just what it says. It’s a **less dense** form of fatty protein that flows through your veins. Because it’s not dense, it can be fluffy or sticky, and easily accumulate within your blood vessels and arteries.

**High-density** lipoprotein (HDL) is the high density form of that same lipoprotein. Think of it as a very mild roto rooter for your veins. As it courses through your blood vessels it can help remove some of the sticky stuff, and keeps your arteries clear. It self-maintains much better than LDL.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s VLDL, LDL, and HDL:

VLDL contains triglycerides to provide energy to cells. Think of VLDL as doordash delivering food.

LDL is what becomes of VLDL after it has unload its triglycerides. Think of this as an empty doordash car.

HDL is like a garbage truck. It picks up your excess cholesterol (or garbage) and returns back to the liver (trash processing plant).

The problem is that too many empty doordash drivers can block the freeway. Think of this as LDL’s blocking your arteries and causing a traffic jam.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s VLDL, LDL, and HDL:

VLDL contains triglycerides to provide energy to cells. Think of VLDL as doordash delivering food.

LDL is what becomes of VLDL after it has unload its triglycerides. Think of this as an empty doordash car.

HDL is like a garbage truck. It picks up your excess cholesterol (or garbage) and returns back to the liver (trash processing plant).

The problem is that too many empty doordash drivers can block the freeway. Think of this as LDL’s blocking your arteries and causing a traffic jam.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What is cholesterol and what role does it play in the body? How do High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) Trans fats and Statins affect your cholesterol levels and your health. https://youtu.be/_a2f4vuEOmg

Anonymous 0 Comments

What is cholesterol and what role does it play in the body? How do High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) Trans fats and Statins affect your cholesterol levels and your health. https://youtu.be/_a2f4vuEOmg