Many machines are controlled by switches. A switch turns on your refrigerator’s compressor when it’s needed. A button turns on a desktop computer. A thermostat turns on the heat when the temperature gets cold.
When your furnace isn’t working…. is it something wrong with the furnace or is it maybe the thermosatt not actually telling it to turn on?
With a piece of wire you can link the two wires that otherwise the thermostat is supposed to control the link between. You bypass the thermostat to see if the furnace turns on.
In other words, a “hot” line is how many machines or parts of machines are turned on and off with some kind of switch between deciding to interrupt or allow the power to flow. Sometimes, it’s the switch that is bad and all you have to do is provide a different path for the power.
Also there’s just wires running from point to point, sometime not easy to reach. There can be breaks in those wires.
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