What does “gentrification” mean and what are “gentrified” neighboorhoods in modern day united states?


What does “gentrification” mean and what are “gentrified” neighboorhoods in modern day united states?

In: 5284

10 Answers

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It’s when wealthy or middle class people start buying up property in low-income neighborhoods.

– poor neighborhoods get rejuvenated with new businesses and people wanting to invest.

– crime goes down

– home values goes up

– lower income people get pushed away from their community centers.

– local cultures get diluted

– the crime and poverty don’t “go away”. They just relocate to the next “poor” area.

The reality:

It’s typically not a voluntary or intentional process. As housing costs in most cities continue to climb and wages continue to stagnate, middle-class people are increasingly forced to buy homes in poorer neighborhoods.

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