What does high IQ mean anyway?


I hear people say that high IQ doesn’t mean you are automatically good at something, but what does it mean then, in terms of physical properties of the brain? And how do they translate to one’s abilities?

In: 682

72 Answers

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IQ 160 here. I did a test and scored high and that’s it. Normal job, normal life, I have biases like anyone else. I think I am good at tests because I am a good observer and I recognize patters, analogies, symmetries, etc. If I recall correctly, 30 years ago the living person with the highest IQ ever recorded was a barman. I think that IQ is overrated. Motivation and dedication are 100 times more effective. Also being naturally good at certain things means you can be lazy and achieve something without effort, but until a certain point. And if you’re lazy, this means you will never be more than mediocre. I think someone with an average IQ but real motivation can achieve much more because he had to work his ass hard from start

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