What does high IQ mean anyway?


I hear people say that high IQ doesn’t mean you are automatically good at something, but what does it mean then, in terms of physical properties of the brain? And how do they translate to one’s abilities?

In: 682

72 Answers

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The analogy that I like is that IQ is raw horsepower for a car. One car with 500 horsepower might be able to go from 0-60 in 4 seconds in a straight line but another car with 250 horsepower might be able to beat it on a course that includes turns and acceleration and deceleration and such. IQ is raw power while education and even experience or common sense, are the knowledge how to apply the power. If someone has a high horsepower car but it has horrible handling, in real world usage (driving it around) they might not be able to go from a to b as fast as another car with less raw horsepower but much better handling/control.

Someone that has lower iq but has had an excellent education may come across as “smarter” than someone with a high IQ that had no good education and led a sheltered life. And there are obvious outliers in various ways. One of the highest IQ and smartest people I’ve ever known in my life (has had fairly good education) is woefully behind in common sense/street smarts to a shocking degree. I am constantly flabbergasted at the things he falls for where you’re like, how the fuck did you not know better?

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