What does high IQ mean anyway?


I hear people say that high IQ doesn’t mean you are automatically good at something, but what does it mean then, in terms of physical properties of the brain? And how do they translate to one’s abilities?

In: 682

72 Answers

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“Intelligence is what an IQ test measures” is a famous quote.

And it might not mean what you think, its critizising that we dont realy know what intelligence even is. We just came up with a test and made it a standartised test and call what it measures IQ. It has for sure something to do with puzzle solving and logic but thats not the same as being smart or educated. And the scale is just defined to have 100 as the average result.

IQ test are just a long list of puzzles like finding the next element in a row and who is good at solving these quiz test has a high IQ by deffinition. What that actualy means is not so clear.

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