what does it mean if a beer is a lager, pilsner, ale or ipa?


What are the differences and how can I recognize them from taste?

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28 Answers

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Yeast turns sugar water (made from grain: barley, wheat) into beer. There are two main types of yeast: ale and lager.
Ale yeast tends to make beer more fruity tasting. (Esters is the technical term)
Lager test tends to make beer taste cleaner and is what is used is most mainstream beers.

IPA is short for Indian Pale Ale and is an ale. It was developed by the English accidentally when shipping beer to India because the additional alcohol and hops (cones from a plant that make beer bitter) helped preserve the beer for the journey.
Pilsner is a beer developed in Pilsen, Czech and is a lager.

If you practice tasting lagers and ales, I think you’d be able to taste the difference.

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