What does it mean that color a “visual phenomenon”? Does color not exist outside of our brains?


What does it mean that color a “visual phenomenon”? Does color not exist outside of our brains?

In: 22

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically, color you see is the same to ~~electromagnetic~~ visible light spectrum what greens and oranges are to terrain elevation on a map. Mountains aren’t really orange, it’s just a way of indicating higher elevation by agreed means. And in analogous way, color is what our brains decided to represent differences in absorption of visible light.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To add to the complexity, we’ve evolved to have retinal cells that can discern certain wave lengths clearly and interpolate others. So if something is red our red receptors see it clearly, but if it is orange, or magenta, our red and blue and green receptors each see it imperfectly, and our brain pools their inputs, and figures out it is orange, or magenta

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically, color you see is the same to ~~electromagnetic~~ visible light spectrum what greens and oranges are to terrain elevation on a map. Mountains aren’t really orange, it’s just a way of indicating higher elevation by agreed means. And in analogous way, color is what our brains decided to represent differences in absorption of visible light.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To add to the complexity, we’ve evolved to have retinal cells that can discern certain wave lengths clearly and interpolate others. So if something is red our red receptors see it clearly, but if it is orange, or magenta, our red and blue and green receptors each see it imperfectly, and our brain pools their inputs, and figures out it is orange, or magenta

Anonymous 0 Comments

To add to the complexity, we’ve evolved to have retinal cells that can discern certain wave lengths clearly and interpolate others. So if something is red our red receptors see it clearly, but if it is orange, or magenta, our red and blue and green receptors each see it imperfectly, and our brain pools their inputs, and figures out it is orange, or magenta

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not really.

It is true that in some way colors in our mind correspond to wavelengths of light.

However there are also colors that have no corresponding light in reality.

We have three types of receptors in our eyes to perceive colors with, they each sense a range of wavelengths of lights and react strongest to the wavelengths in the middle of that range.

Our brain assigns colors to the combination of receptor types that are activated.

If two receptors with neighboring and overlapping ranges react to the same thing our brain decides it must be a color somewhere between those two and that makes sense. There is wavelength of light to correspond to that idea.

This ends up with us seeing a color for the case that the receptors at both ends of the spectrum react to something, but not the ones in the middle.

There is no light that is between red and blue but not green on the spectrum. However in our brain there is.

This is why the spectrum is a one-dimensional line, but the way we see color ends up with a color wheel, where the ends of the spectrum are connected.

It is that part which makes the sensation of color different from just perceiving different wavelengths of light.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not really.

It is true that in some way colors in our mind correspond to wavelengths of light.

However there are also colors that have no corresponding light in reality.

We have three types of receptors in our eyes to perceive colors with, they each sense a range of wavelengths of lights and react strongest to the wavelengths in the middle of that range.

Our brain assigns colors to the combination of receptor types that are activated.

If two receptors with neighboring and overlapping ranges react to the same thing our brain decides it must be a color somewhere between those two and that makes sense. There is wavelength of light to correspond to that idea.

This ends up with us seeing a color for the case that the receptors at both ends of the spectrum react to something, but not the ones in the middle.

There is no light that is between red and blue but not green on the spectrum. However in our brain there is.

This is why the spectrum is a one-dimensional line, but the way we see color ends up with a color wheel, where the ends of the spectrum are connected.

It is that part which makes the sensation of color different from just perceiving different wavelengths of light.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not really.

It is true that in some way colors in our mind correspond to wavelengths of light.

However there are also colors that have no corresponding light in reality.

We have three types of receptors in our eyes to perceive colors with, they each sense a range of wavelengths of lights and react strongest to the wavelengths in the middle of that range.

Our brain assigns colors to the combination of receptor types that are activated.

If two receptors with neighboring and overlapping ranges react to the same thing our brain decides it must be a color somewhere between those two and that makes sense. There is wavelength of light to correspond to that idea.

This ends up with us seeing a color for the case that the receptors at both ends of the spectrum react to something, but not the ones in the middle.

There is no light that is between red and blue but not green on the spectrum. However in our brain there is.

This is why the spectrum is a one-dimensional line, but the way we see color ends up with a color wheel, where the ends of the spectrum are connected.

It is that part which makes the sensation of color different from just perceiving different wavelengths of light.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Color is a visual phenomenon because it is something that we can see and perceive with our eyes. Color does exist outside of our brains, but it is our brain that interprets the light waves that are reflected off of objects and assigns them a color.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Color is a visual phenomenon because it is something that we can see and perceive with our eyes. Color does exist outside of our brains, but it is our brain that interprets the light waves that are reflected off of objects and assigns them a color.