What does it mean that color a “visual phenomenon”? Does color not exist outside of our brains?


What does it mean that color a “visual phenomenon”? Does color not exist outside of our brains?

In: 22

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Color is a visual phenomenon because it is something that we can see and perceive with our eyes. Color does exist outside of our brains, but it is our brain that interprets the light waves that are reflected off of objects and assigns them a color.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For all intents and purposes, no. The world has no appearance unless observed as appearance is a human construct of the mind

Anonymous 0 Comments

For all intents and purposes, no. The world has no appearance unless observed as appearance is a human construct of the mind

Anonymous 0 Comments

For all intents and purposes, no. The world has no appearance unless observed as appearance is a human construct of the mind

Anonymous 0 Comments

Color is a visual phenomenon because it only exists in our brains as a perception of the different wavelengths of light that are absorbed and reflected by objects. It’s like a translation of light into the sensation of color that we experience.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Color is a visual phenomenon because it only exists in our brains as a perception of the different wavelengths of light that are absorbed and reflected by objects. It’s like a translation of light into the sensation of color that we experience.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Color is a visual phenomenon because it only exists in our brains as a perception of the different wavelengths of light that are absorbed and reflected by objects. It’s like a translation of light into the sensation of color that we experience.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fun fact. Magenta isn’t a color…. Sort-of.

So yes, colors usually exist as a specific wavelength of light and have properties outside of just our brains. Except magenta does not exist as a wavelength of light. So what’s going on there?

Well we have cones in our eyes for seeing red light, green light, and blue light. What Magenta is is seeing red and blue light at the same time. Which you’d think your eyes would average out and show us green. But they definitely don’t do that, instead we see magenta.

And magenta isn’t the only color that doesn’t exist that we can see. There are several “impossible colors” that are also kind-of interesting. And in that sense…. Yeah your brain makes up what colors look like even if they usually have real-world properties.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fun fact. Magenta isn’t a color…. Sort-of.

So yes, colors usually exist as a specific wavelength of light and have properties outside of just our brains. Except magenta does not exist as a wavelength of light. So what’s going on there?

Well we have cones in our eyes for seeing red light, green light, and blue light. What Magenta is is seeing red and blue light at the same time. Which you’d think your eyes would average out and show us green. But they definitely don’t do that, instead we see magenta.

And magenta isn’t the only color that doesn’t exist that we can see. There are several “impossible colors” that are also kind-of interesting. And in that sense…. Yeah your brain makes up what colors look like even if they usually have real-world properties.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fun fact. Magenta isn’t a color…. Sort-of.

So yes, colors usually exist as a specific wavelength of light and have properties outside of just our brains. Except magenta does not exist as a wavelength of light. So what’s going on there?

Well we have cones in our eyes for seeing red light, green light, and blue light. What Magenta is is seeing red and blue light at the same time. Which you’d think your eyes would average out and show us green. But they definitely don’t do that, instead we see magenta.

And magenta isn’t the only color that doesn’t exist that we can see. There are several “impossible colors” that are also kind-of interesting. And in that sense…. Yeah your brain makes up what colors look like even if they usually have real-world properties.