What does it mean: “The Universe is most probably flat”?


What does it mean: “The Universe is most probably flat”?

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4 Answers

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The term “flat” is not the right word but it is the best we have. We can say that a line is straight and a plane is flat but we do not have a similar term for a volume. So we use the term “flat” even though we add a dimension.

When we look out in space at distant stars, galaxies and clusters we do notice that space bends around these massive objects. This creates sort of dimples in spacetime, especially around black holes. But on either ends of these dimples the space seams to be flat. All lines are straight without any curvature to them. This goes on for as far as we can see. There is no noticeable curvature or any shape to the Universe.

The “probably” part is a slight safe guarding. Our measurements are not perfect, although they are extremely accurate. So there is still a possibility that the Universe is actually an extremely large 4D globe and that we just do not see far enough to measure the curvature.

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