What does it mean to charge with like 200kw, how much energy am i adding a minute or hour or whatever?


I literally have brain damage(stroke) and i know i understood this once so you dont have to dumb it down too hard. hit me

In: 16

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You got the technical answers about joules per second in other responses, but if part of your question is “so how do I conceptualize how much that is?” here are some thoughts.

I have a Tesla that holds 60kWh, and gets around 200 miles on a full charge. That means that it uses 300 Wh per mile, which means that when traveling at highway speeds, it’s consuming about 18 kW.

A car with pretty average mileage of 25 miles per gallon of gasoline gets as much distance from a gallon of gas as my Tesla does from 7.5 kWh.

So 200 kW is the power to move 11 cars at highway speeds. It’s a little less than half a gallon of gas every minute (in terms of the useful energy you’re used to getting from gas).

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