What does it mean to charge with like 200kw, how much energy am i adding a minute or hour or whatever?


I literally have brain damage(stroke) and i know i understood this once so you dont have to dumb it down too hard. hit me

In: 16

6 Answers

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200 kilowatt is a lot of power though, and much more than you would see in any household appliance. That might be like running 200 blenders or 3,000 light bulbs, or one Tesla Model 3 with the pedal to the metal.

Energy is measured in watt hours, kilowatt hours, joules, and other units. This is the amount of work that is done by a power source over a period of time. This is what your electric company bills you for. Your hair dryer might use 1.5 kilowatts, but if you use it for 40 minutes in a month, then your electric company will bill you for 1 kilowatt hour.

Now an electric hot water heater might use 200 kilowatt hours of energy in a few months time.

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