What does it mean to charge with like 200kw, how much energy am i adding a minute or hour or whatever?


I literally have brain damage(stroke) and i know i understood this once so you dont have to dumb it down too hard. hit me

In: 16

6 Answers

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Watt is already a rate. It measures how much energy per time you have.

Watt means joule per second.

So if you are charging at 200 kilowatt you are charging 200 kilo joule per second.

in a minute you have 60 times what you have per second: 12 mega joule.

If you charge for an hour you will have 200 kilowatt hours of energy, which due to the number of seconds in an hour works out to be 720 mega joule.

For comparison the amount of energy you gain from one food calorie is 4.184 kilojoule and the amount of energy released by one kilogram of TNT is 4.184 magejoule (yes this is not a coincidence food calories are the same thing as 1 gram of TNT equivalent energy wise).

The energy you get transferred in an hour is about as much energy as you would get from burning 16 kilograms of oil.

In a little under 6 hours you have enough energy transferred to get the equivalent of a ton of TNT. In 10 years you would have transferred enough energy to be the equivalent of the energy by LittleBoy release in Hiroshima.

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