What does it mean when we are carbon based life?


Why carbon?

In: Biology

3 Answers

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Chemical elements are defined by their number of protons. 1 proton= hydrogen, 2= helium, etc. Each element, barring being electrically charged (ionized), has an equal number of electrons. Carbon is element 6, and has 6 electrons,which gives it unique chemical properties.

Carbon is able to bond to other carbon atoms while also bonding with other elements. This is an amazingly versatile ability, which allows it to make INSANELY complex chain molecules. It can do this while having ranging bond strengths as well, having single or double electron bonds with itself or other elements, making for endless combinations possible.

Other elements in carbons group are somewhat capable of this , as they also have 6 electrons in their outer shell. Silicon is the only one other such element which can form any kind of stable bond chain, but the energies required are far too much to be feasible for life (as we know it)

So we are carbon based life because our DNA, proteins, hormones, everything related to life has a backbone of carbon.

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